Relocation Services

Ângela is the Client Manager for NEWCO's relocation service, within which she supports clients throughout the process of moving to Portugal, from planning to arrival.

Ângela has a Master's degree in Civil Engineering and experience as a senior technician in the Regional Government of Madeira, where she was responsible for managing and inspecting public works. She is a member of the Order of Engineers. In addition, Ângela had a years' worth of experience in the procurement department at the Maputo Airport Runway Rehabilitation project. She has also completed a course in Luxury Real Estate Sales Management and has worked as the Commercial Director of the AFA Group in the area of real estate development. She is certified as a Practitioner, New Code Practitioner and Master of Neurolinguistic Programming. In addition to her native Portuguese, she speaks fluent English.

Ângela Figueira
See Team