Corporate income tax (IRC in Portuguese) is regulated by the Corporate Income Tax Code that was approved via Decree Law 442-B/88 of 30 November, which came into force on 1 January 1989. This tax applies to the following entities according to the listed income:

Legal persons with head office or permanent management on Portuguese territory who perform a commercial, industrial or agricultural activity (commercial companies, cooperatives) General Income/Profit
Legal persons with head office or permanent management on Portuguese territory who perform a commercial, industrial or agricultural activity (associations, foundations, civil societies without legal personality) Overall Income (sum of the income of the categories in accordance with IRS rules)
Legal persons who are non-residents of Portuguese territory who perform their activity via a permanent establishment (branches) Profit attributable to the permanent establishment located on Portuguese territory
Legal persons who are non-residents of Portuguese territory without a permanent establishment Those who pay withholding tax on income earned in Portugal

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Calculating the Amount of Payable IRC

For those entities with a main activity of a commercial, industrial or agricultural nature:

Taxable Profit

Taxable profit is quantified on the basis of net income for the year calculated in accordance with accounting standards, accrued by the positive changes in assets minus the negative changes in assets not reflected in that result, the adjustments provided for under the Corporate Income Tax Code are accrued or deducted.

Taxation Base

The taxation base for IRC is calculated by deducting tax losses and benefits from taxable profit that was previously calculated.

Payable IRC

The previously calculated taxation base is multiplied by the respective rate (see rates table), thereby obtaining the taxable amount. After applying the deductions, the total amount of IRC owed is obtained. Withholding tax and advance tax payments are then deducted from this amount, resulting in the amount of payable IRC, to which may also be added surcharges and autonomous taxations.


Under the Autonomous Regions Finance Law (Madeira and Azores), these regions may reduce the national IRC rate by as much as 30%. As such, the following rates apply:

Taxable profit in euros (€) Mainland Madeira Azores
Resident entities and permanent establishments of non-resident entities 21% 14.7% or 5% (IBCM) 14,7%
Resident entities characterized as a small or medium enterprises, on the first €50,000 of the taxation base 17% 11.9% 8,75%

Click here for more information about IRC in Madeira.

Payment of IRC

Advance Tax Payments

Entities whose main activity is of a commercial, industrial or agricultural nature and those that are non-residents with a stable establishment in Portugal must pay corporate income tax (IRC) in three advance tax payments due in July, September and 15 December during the year when the taxable profit was earned, or in the case of companies that have adopted a fiscal year that does not coincide with the calendar year, during the 7th month, 9th month and on the 15th day of the 12th month of the respective taxation period. Advance tax payments are calculated on the basis of the tax paid during the tax period immediately before the period when such payments must be made.

Advance tax payments by companies whose turnover during the preceding taxation period is equal to or less than €500,000 are equivalent to 80% of the tax paid during that year divided into three equal amounts rounded up in euros. If turnover is more than €500,000, advance tax payments shall be 95% of the amount of the tax, also divided into three equal amounts rounded up in euros.

If the company ascertains, through information available to it, that the amount of the advance tax payment already made is equal to or greater than the amount owed, it is not required to make the third advance tax payment. Likewise, if the third advance tax payment is greater than the difference between the total tax the company believes it owes and the payments already made, the company may limit the amount of the third payment to that difference. If an amount greater than 20% of the amount that normally would have been paid has not been paid, penalty interest shall apply. 

If the payment is not made within the stipulated time periods, penalty interest shall immediately apply.

Additional Advance Tax Payment 

The additional advance tax payment (PAC) shall be payable by companies that are also required to make advance tax payments (PPC), and which during the previous taxation period had a taxable profit of over €1,500,000 (i.e., in cases where during the previous taxation period, state or regional surcharges are payable).

PAC must be paid in July, September and on 15 December of the year that the taxable profit pertains to, or if an annual taxation period different from the calendar year has been adopted, in the 7th month, the 9th month and on the 15th day of the 12th month of the respective taxation period, and its final payment shall be made during the periodic income declaration (Form 22 of IRC).

The amount of these payments is equal to the amount that results from application of the rates stipulated in the following table, applicable to the part of taxable profit that exceeds €1,500,000 related to the previous taxation period. Companies headquartered in the Autonomous Region of Madeira benefit from reduced rates, while companies that are registered with the International Business Centre of Madeira (IBCM) benefit from an additional reduction in the additional advance tax payment.

Taxable profit in euros (€) General Rate (%) Madeira Rate (%) IBCM Rate (%)
From 1,500,000 to 7,500,000 2,5 1,8 0.36
From 7,500,000 to 35,000,000 4,5 3,2 0.64
Greater than 35,000,000 8,5 6 1.20


Local surcharges are surtaxes that can be applied to Portuguese companies.

An additional tax, in the form of a State Surcharge is also applicable to the part of taxable profit that exceeds €1,500,000 and is subject to IRC; or, in the case of taxpayers with a head office, permanent administration or stable establishment in the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and the Azores, in the form of a Regional Surcharge, whose rates vary according to taxable profit.

The companies that are established within the scope of the International Business Centre of Madeira as of 2015 shall benefit from lower Regional Surcharge rates for each taxation period with respect to income obtained within the scope of the IBCM and taxed at a rate of 5% (IRC).

As such, the following additional rates shall apply:

Taxable profit in euros (€) General Rate (%) Madeira Rate (%) IBCM Rate (%)
From 1,500,000 to 7,500,000 3 2.1 0.42
From 7,500,000 to 35,000,000 5 3.5 0.70
Greater than 35,000,000 9 6.3 1.26

Payment of this tax shall be determined by calculating the difference between the Regional Surcharge owed and additional advance tax payments made during the same taxation period. If the amount of additional advance tax payments made during that taxation period is greater than the amount of Regional Surcharge owed, the difference shall be reimbursed.

Law 73/2013 of 3 September, which establishes the financial regime of the local municipalities and inter-municipal entities, stipulates that municipalities may annually decide to implement a Municipal Surcharge up to a maximum limit of 1.5% on taxable profit, subject to and not exempt from corporate income tax.

The Municipal Surcharge applies to taxable profit before deduction of reportable tax losses. In the municipalities of Lisbon and Porto the Municipal Surcharge rate is 1.5%, and taxpayers whose turnover during the previous year did not exceed €150,000 are exempt.

In the municipality of Funchal, where NEWCO has its head office, it was deliberated that the Municipal Surtax would not be applied in 2023, 2024 and 2025. This non-application means an additional reduction of 1.5% in the tax burden on companies.

In municipalities in which the municipal surcharge is applied, companies established in the International Business Centre of Madeira from 2015 onwards benefit from a reduction of the rate in each tax period.

To find out more about the rates applicable in other municipalities and any applicable reductions and exemptions, please contact us.

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